There will vary classes in the action, even so the only thing class determines is when a player starts within the giant passive skill tree. Within the skill tree players cost nothing to move about as they wish, making a character that does... Well, whatever! Tanky ranger? Energy shield marauder? Melee witch? All option is out there, from POE Currency blameless , to kooky.
In the outskirts with the passive skill tree will be the “extreme” nodes, choices any time selected often change the way in which a character is played significantly. There’s one which places a gamer permanently at one health, one which turns a farmer’s health to their mana pool, plus much more. These choices may be character defining and could possibly be extremely dangerous if taken in the wrong time, which explains why a small amount of POE Orbs PS4 skill refund points arrive at players naturally over the course on the game.
There’s no full respecs here, choices matter. A player sufficiently motivated to respec a total character could accomplish that, but only in theoretical space. Outside in the handful of refund points provided during leveling to avoid extreme gamebreaking errors, players will need to hunt down Orbs of Regret so as to respec point by point.