The Grinding Gear team said the development would take about 45 minutes to a hour to perform through. It's procedurally generated once daily and is thereby intended for multiple playthroughs. It also adds a brand new element to the POE Currency 's expansive skill tree with three special Ascendancy-class skills you may choose from to be a reward for completion, which might be determined by your original starting class.
How much you progress through these skill trees per run-through depends about the difficulty level when you play (using a higher volume of upgrades at more impressive range). It also yields its own item drop with gem-slots, which at lower level is much more generic, but at higher level is a lot more specific and randomized, and that means you may should play through many times to get an item that benefits a new Ascendancy class skills and playstyle.
In practice, this allowed the developer to feature a gem to Buy POE Items his new gear that gave enemies a bleed effect. It also had single-in-ten chance to create the enemy explode in a very shower of blood that did splash destruction of others on death. This meant, using a lower-powered repetitive attack, such as a spinning maneuver, just about every enemy exploded with splash damage.