If you're combining a video game music playlist and want some JRPG classics, Square Enix makes it easy, because almost all of Final Fantasy's soundtracks have just appeared on Spotify and Apple Music.
The Final Fantasy series had become the middle of the Triassic period, so that Square Enix just added plenty of soundtracks. We are dealing with the original NES Final Fantasy, as much as dozens of songs in Final Fantasy XIV. No matter what style of video game soundtrack you desire, it might be offered to you. There are several track lists which can be Japanese, so if you're looking for something specific, this really is tricky. But then again, if you think lucky, it is possible to close your vision, click several times, in fact it is very likely to produce a good song.
None of these albums officially offer any digital services I can think of on Spotify or Apple Music, not before. Square Enix didn't give a reason for this version, but I suspect it might be related to rumors, and we'll see more E3 Final Fantasy VII remakes this weekend. In addition,some Final Fantasy XIV Gil can be bought from sending fuzzy details about the future of the action on Steam.
I browsed the entire directory on Spotify, the only major game I couldn't find was Final Fantasy X-2; I couldn't find the soundtrack for the movie Advent Children. Also, it's not a formal Final Fantasy game, but I'm a bit sad. FF's adjacent Square Enix JRPG Bravely Default is not a cohort because the game's soundtrack is explosive.
In addition, the gang is almost here: Crisis Core, Spirits Within, Dissidia Duodecim, and even Brave Exvius (the peculiar mobile game that cost Ariana Grande). Most of the soundtracks were written by longtime series composer Nobuo Uematsu, although my favorite one is Yoko Shimomura's Final Fantasy XV score.
It reminds us of how long and rich the history of Final Fantasy is. Final Fantasy is a game series that has survived and thrived not only since the 1980s. Not only because of the nostalgic mood of childhood, but also because most games have always been good or at least interesting. Of course, for winning the experience, players can succeed through technolog and FFXIV Gil.
And, even if you hate the entire Final Fantasy series, I can hardly believe that you can't hear this wonderful music. At least one thing, I am particularly clear now: Uematsu is a legend, and we owe him (and his successors) the debt of these tunes.