Square Enix's popular MMORPG "Final Fantasy XIV Online" remained strong after six years. The publisher announced that the game exceeded 16 million registered users in May and outlined new content and features launched this summer.
The publisher confirmed the number of players in a letter from the producer LIVE clip that was streamed from San Francisco this month. The clip is part of the game's third major expansion of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadow Bray, which will be launched on July 2, 2019.
Producer and director Naoki Yoshida also revealed several new details of the upcoming live broadcast expansion, including the new combat system and the charging action system, so players may have to determine the number of their own Buy FFXIV Gil based on the new system. Of course, the FATE system in the open world, the addition of branch tasks and role tasks will also be updated.
If you want to know how your equipment will handle the game, you can download the new benchmark software. Benchmark software includes new Shadowbringers lenses and character creators that allow players to watch playable characters in the game - including the new Hrothgar and Viera games. Users who create a role using benchmarks can also bring them into the full game. Official benchmark software can be downloaded here.
The new expansion marks once that the Warriors of Light will cross the cracks involving the world, become dark warriors, restore the night time, and save the globe from the disaster promised from the flood. The expansion is filled new features, like the new Dancer and Gunbreaker jobs, Hrothgar and Viera competitions, increased level caps as well as the presence from the Final Fantasy XIV Gil , huge new areas, raids and even more.
Final Fantasy XIV Online is available today on Windows, Steam, PS4 and Mac. You can see a official how does someone download.