The current Path of Exile Alliance is rapidly coming to an end. The end of the integrated alliance also marks the beginning of the PoE 3.7 patch, which promises some much-needed changes. Grinding Gear Games announced that the new patch will be available at the New Zealand Department of Defense at 10 am on June 4.
In synthesis, the developer's focus is to rebalance the spelling throughout the game. While numerical adjustments and full rework of certain skills have proven to be productive, they still lead some skills ahead of other skills. For example, Winter Orb is currently the most used skill in the league. Similarly, experienced Path of Exile players push the Voidshot Deadeye to the limit and calculate their damage output in the shaper per second.
However, the difference in power level between skills and the difference in Path of Exile Currency between players is understandable.The more pressing issue is that the alliance itself is a little missing. Connecting memory fragmentation is more of a chore for most players than something they like very much. In addition, from the player's comments, the league's "boss" is a bit frustrating.
What new things brought about by this new patch? So far our understanding of the 3.7.0 patch is that the melee combat will get a complete "reconstruction". Since the beginning of the game, the melee combat in the "Path of Exile" has been a bit bleak. The difference between the caster and the frontal character is now more pronounced because the remote skill gems have been fine-tuned.
To solve this problem, developers are investing a lot of energy and spending more time testing all changes, not the past. Although the full details of the patch will be announced on May 22, GGG has hinted at what these changes will bring.
Mechanisms that may be redone involve accuracy, melee splash, leeches and fortifications. In addition, we may see updated passive trees and redesigned Ascendancy classes. In order to make the melee game style more feasible, the new patch will also include adjustments to the melee base type itself. In addition, the goal of the developer is to make the various sports skills more fluid. Last but not least, GGG is committed to increasing the usability of melee damage patterns on
POE Exalted Orb .
With all this in mind, we can hope for the future of Path of Exile. Ideally, all Ascendancy courses and skills are equally appealing to both novice and returning players, and equally satisfying.