Why it ought to stay benched: In theory, the cone was obviously a well-meaning but awful idea; used, it became a nightmare. Making the cone controllable with the thumbstick added another layer of complexity for Madden Overdrive Coins an already intricate game, and in addition, it showed the defense the place you were throwing the ball.
Better quarterbacks had wider cones (corresponding to broader fields of vision), but even they may not throw to someone beyond the cone. If you tried, disaster awaited. It virtually ruined the action for players whose favorite teams had less-than-stellar QBs in the helm. Unless your man would be a top-8 level quarterback, you were planning to throw lots of bad passes and interceptions.
Are there any Madden popular features of Madden NFL Overdrive Coins yesteryear which make your Hall of Infamy? If you've got a bit of good ones, or you need to take in the arduous task of defending the Vision Cone, let us know from the comments!