
We've experienced a thousand updates and 90 percent of RuneScape Gold  which have passed," Kemp said. "That really validates that effort that people put into [the sport]."

That's a significant component in its success; Old School RuneScape hit 1 million accounts in October 2013, three months after its launch. Kemp and Ogilvie also described more users voted in support of legacy servers compared to the hundreds of thousands who still enjoying, proving that this wider community supported launching a retro version of RuneScape.

Yet this is an undertaking that other notable, popular MMOs haven't explored. The timing of Kemp's piece regarding how Old School RuneScape has paid back for Jagex closely followed the recent shutdown of Nostalrius, the greatest private server for World of Warcraft.

""It's intelligent to perform older versions of games""Unlike RuneScape, World of  OSRS Gold Warcraft doesn't offer official legacy versions on the MMO. Instead, players decide to use hosting their particular game servers which allow players to get back to the game some may have originally tinkered with, before its various expansions launched. Blizzard Entertainment's relation to its use, however, don't condone these private servers, causing cease-and-desist orders forcing player-run communities like Nostalrius to seal.


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