Often underestimated, life skills will give you some experience (but not much), do it if you've finished everything else we've covered in this Maplestory 2 Leveling Guide.
Every day you can get a certain amount of experience of furniture placement in your house. The best and fastest way to Buy MapleStory 2 Mesos earn exp in this way is to collect and place the same item over and over again until you realize that there is no more experience to acquire. In this way, you can get between 20 and 30% experience (every day) after level 50.

World Bosses are very tough and tanky monsters that require at least 10 players to kill them fast enough. Each of them appears in a schedule that can be seen below, and there is always a notification when they do.

World leaders (Level 50) now give you a 15% experience for every death, which makes them the fastest way to 
Buy MS 2 Mesos reach level 60 compared to the other ways we have outlined in this guide Maplestory 2. Open your World Map and write lv. 50 in the search bar, the first tab of the result should be Boss Mons
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