
If you find plowing 82 lv 9h is usually a long time, then you have the 2nd option is usually to  Buy MapleStory 2 Mesos plow lv 68 only takes 4h, frequently there are 157 weapons purple powder, 99 purple powder + 1m meso = > to have 1 unique need 6.6 clone.

Do not want to reduce money on MapleStory M, you should change the time plow.

You can begin to see the stunned feat on the guy. So to obtain only an extremely powerful Mythic, you had to forfeit 50 clone x 9 hours = 450 hours. If you don't eat not sleep, only clone plow, you might also need to spend ... almost 25 days. While MapleStory M era was a month ... really new attitude "plow" of Vietnamese gamers: D

The trick is good for free people, do not would like to add money. Song need to recognize that is fairly a feasible, in MapleStory 2 Mesos  the event you play "túc tắc" then about 50 % of a year is full


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