While Nexon is preparing to release the MMORPG MapleStory 2 in the western region, making improvements to the game after the closed beta test this month, the developers decided not to waste time and release a mobile adaptation of the first part of the Maplestory M Mesos series. However, so far only the soft-launch of the project has taken place, so MapleStory M is available to users of only a few countries, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and the Philippines. In addition, only owners of devices based on the Android operating system can enjoy the game at the moment.
Despite the fact that the release date of the novelty in other regions is still unknown, now you can go on adventures just by finding the apk-file of the game on the network. After the global launch of MapleStory M, the Nexon team does not plan to reset the progress made by users, which means you can safely continue to enjoy the adventures of your character in a fantasy world.

MapleStory M is not a complete transfer of the original project to
Buy Maplestory Mobile Mesos mobile devices, although it has similar gameplay mechanics. Players are available in five classes, open world, PvP activity, dungeons, bosses and many other elements inherent in this genre.
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