After the events of the other day's episode, Barry Allen no more has his speed force powers. However, Central City still needs The Flash to be a new villain with super-strength, Griffin Grey, is holding Harrison Wells captive. Grey needs Wells to prevent his rapid aging before he dies.Warning: There are some spoilers ahead, for episode 19,
"Back to Normal."Barry Adjusts to Life being a Normal PersonThis will be the first time in at least a year where Barry hasn't had his powers. He's gotten employed to being linked to the Speed Force, so we have a learning curve in terms of doing everyday things. He's to doing forensic work the existing fashion way: lifting finger prints off a motor vehicle. More importantly, without his powers, he along with FUT 19 Coins ought to resort to trickery and technology when dealing with other metahumans. It's a team effort inside field when Flash and company fight Griffin Grey.Why Zoom is Keeping Caitlin AliveOn Earth-Two, Zoom may be keeping Caitlin alive. Why has he been accomplishing this? Zoom explains to her it is because he loves her.
Apparently, not everything Zoom did, while deceiving everyone on Earth-One, became a complete ruse. Zoom has true feelings for Caitlin, although he certainly incorporates a funny means of showing it. Above any devices, Zoom continues to keep Caitlin alive while bringing her with Earths, that she plans on conquering.The Fall of Killer FrostCaitlin comes face-to-face along with her Earth-Two counterpart, Killer Frost. She's and a prisoner in Zoom's hideout. Frost wants Caitlin to assist her escape, since Caitlin isn't handcuffed nor stuck a cage. Cailtin goes in addition to it since sherrrd like to escape too.
After identifying a way to shatter the glass Frost is kept in, Killer Frost walks out and activates Caitlin, throwing a dagger-like icicle at her. Zoom rushes in, grabs the icicle and stabs Frost by using it, killing her.Harrison Calls His Daughter "Jesse Quick"Harrison spends his time around the episode trying to find his daughter, Jesse. Fans in the show along with the comic book series are all aware Jesse is founded on Justice Society of America member, Jesse Quick. Jesse is the one other speedster from Earth-Two.
At the end with the episode, when Harrison is reunited in reference to his daughter, he calls her "Jesse Quick." Comic fans everywhere probably got chills down their spine with this fan service moment. Now, how's she acquiring her powers?How Flash Will Get His Powers BackJesse and perhaps even Wally getting their powers may lie with Barry getting his powers back. Harrison Wells desires to create another particle accelerator to recreate the accident that turned Barry into your Flash from the first place. Apparently, that will be the central story of in a few days's episode. Let's see whether they can do this without setting up a whole slew of the latest metahumans who the Flash needs to fight.In an episode that feels as though 90% filler, it's clear that finding the second season of The Flash look at 20 episodes isn't doing work for them. This season could be tightened up and deal with 13 episodes. The show efforts to deliver a season-long storyline while attempting to give a "villain on the week" story too.
They're adding a whole lot to each episode, but as well, it seems like the past two episodes haven't delivered much.Probably the most frustrating point about this week's episode, other than still wanting to piece together the "time remnants" explanation from a couple weeks ago, is the viewer knows no more about the man inside the mask that Zoom has captive.
The camera cuts to him a couple of FIFA 19 Coins , however, there is no new information. With how much time this has become sitting out inside open, it's extremely frustrating to own nothing progress for the story.There were some better moments in the episode though. Fans with the comic book could have been pretty excited to view Griffin Grey inside episode. He's a rather new character within the world of Flash, debuting in 2006. It would be a bit of an bummer to determine the character appear dead right at the end though, as his story from the comics could give a great episode.As for Wells building another accelerator to offer Barry his powers back, that seems extremely reckless.
This would be the same accident that created some with the Flash's worst villains, and they will be recreating the disaster to save Caitlin: a single person. We'll observe how this all plays out in the near future, but it appears like the ends don't justify the means. For a show embraces science, even though it's a science fiction show, this coming year has started to have a lot of bizarre leaps in logic.